Can frozen pizza be enjoyable? Recently, I was asked to review Newman’s Own Thin & Crispy Pizza. Since this is a product that I could consider buying anyway, I agreed. What did I (and the kids) think?
This is a sponsored review by BlogHer and Newman’s Own.

Where do I begin? Finding the pizza at the store was easy — especially since my local supermarket was having a sale on it. ($5.49, down from $6.99) I went with two that I thought the kids would enjoy: the Newman’s Own Margherita Thin & Crispy Pizza and the Newman’s Own Roasted Garlic & Chicken Thin & Crispy Pizza. There are several other varieties available as well. These pizzas are being stocked by many major grocery stores these days.
The kids eyed the boxed as I got the pizzas ready for baking. The boxes feature vivid pictures of the pizzas, which strangely look pretty similar to the finished product (how often does that happen?!?). Despite my repeated explanations that we’d all try both pizzas, the kids insisted on deciding which variety they wanted to try more. Whatever floats their boat, I suppose. In the end, they both agreed the Margherita was their top pick.

So, into the oven the pizzas went. Actually, they went into separate ovens, but I digress. Ten minutes later plus three minutes for cooling, we tried the pizzas. Thank goodness for my pizza paddle — I am not sure how I would have gotten these off the oven racks without it.
Now, the important part, how were the pizzas? The tomatoes on the Margherita pizza taste fresh … they have the consistency of fresh tomatoes that have been baked (a total good thing!) and the cheese is just right. These pizzas cook fast and cool fast, so it is a great fast option for lunch or dinner (pair it with a big green salad for a full meal).
Also, one thing I am always conscious of is the ingredients in a product. What I love about Newman’s Own products, including this one, is that the ingredients are all familiar. The thin crust means less calories overall as well, and these pizzas have no transfats (thank goodness!).
Oh, and I have been asked to deliver this important message: All profits to charity. Newman’s Own Foundation continues Paul Newman’s commitment to donate all profits to charity. Over $300 million has been given to thousands of charities since 1982.

Of course, there is always a downside, right? Look, this is frozen pizza. It’s not takeout. It’s not pretending to be takeout. It’s more like a flatbread pizza, and is comparable to Trader Joe’s flatbreads. The serving size (one pizza feeds three people) is a little questionable though … I think, given the size, a more realistic estimate is that one pizza will feed two people. But perhaps with a generous salad you could comfortably feed three with one pizza. Perhaps.
In terms of flavor, the cheese sauce on the Roasted Garlic & Chicken pizza was a little off-putting — Will and I didn’t like it. Paige gobbled that one up though. So, it could be a preference thing.
So, what’s the verdict? The kids and I really liked the Margherita pizza. It’s likely that I will purchase a few of these to keep in the freezer for days when I just don’t have time to whip up lunch. Paige enjoyed the Roasted Garlic & Chicken too, but Will and I weren’t fans of that one so we probably won’t buy that one again.
I noticed there is a Roasted Vegetable version (so says one of the boxes), so I would love to give that variety a try in the future.
Disclosure: I was compensated for this review. However the opinions put forth in this review are honest, truthful and unswayed by the compensation.
Dan Jones
Saturday 18th of April 2015
I disagree with your review. I recently tried their supreme and all I can say is where did the toppings go?
Sarah Walker Caron
Monday 20th of April 2015
Thanks for the comment, Dan. It's very possible that things have changed with these pizzas since I wrote this review five years ago in 2010. You should reach out to the manufacturer with your comments.
Tuesday 8th of October 2013
If I must pick one it is onions. My favorite toppings would be onions, black olives and tomatoes. Yum!!
Sunday 23rd of October 2011
Thin and tasteless, like eating cardboard.
Wednesday 18th of May 2011
Love green chili on my pizza. Lived in Santa Fe New Mexico for a while. Chili's are a way of life there.
Sunday 31st of October 2010
Sausage Mushroom and Green Pepper!