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Introducing Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging

Hey, bloggers! Love farmers’ markets as much as I do? Then join the Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging movement!

Oh, farmers’ markets. Here in Maine, they are plentiful, often year round and located everywhere. Back in Connecticut, there were fewer of them, but still they were there — filled with farmers, their produce and other goods and ready to be shopped.

As a devoted locavore, my family sources as much food from local sources as we can, supplementing with supermarket trips. We shop regularly at our local farmers’ markets and know many of the farmers by sight if not by name. The farming community here is a wonder, inviting group and I love supporting them. I also want to encourage more folks to eat locally, meet their farmers and learn more about seasonal cooking.

So I’m going to. But first, let me back up a bit.

Recently, I wrote about the changes I’ve witness and experienced as a blogger over the last decade of blogging. And, among them, was the feeling that the sense of community that made blogging so enticing to me had been lost. But, as Carrie pointed out (and borrowing a phrase from Gandhi) … we can be the change to bring it back.

One of the things I missed was the weekly blogging events where bloggers would write around a theme and a host would recap the week’s posts. It was a great way to find like-minded bloggers writing about things I cared about. I learned that these events still exist, I just wasn’t as familiar with the ones presently going on. And I realized something else: I want to host one and see what happens.

Enter Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging. I adore farmers’ markets, shop them year-round and love allowing what’s in season to dictate how we eat. And that’s what Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging is all about: encouraging each other and readers to shop their local farms and farmers markets and eat well.

Want to join in? Then get blogging! The first roundup will be posted on the first Sunday in June.

Here’s the details for Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging:

Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging entries should have the goal of encouraging readers to eat local and/or to visit, shop and frequent farmers’ markets. Hopefully they’ll also teach about cooking with herbs or plant ingredients.

Four types of entries, or any combination thereof, will be accepted:

  1. Recipe posts that highlight a fruit, vegetable, herb or other plant ingredient, or a locally sourced meat ingredient as one of the primary ingredients in a recipe.
  2. Photo posts that explore farmers’ markets, farmers at them and/or the array of produce and locally raised meats for sale.
  3. Informative posts that either spotlight one fruit, vegetable, herb or other plant ingredient or discuss what’s in season where you are. Even better if it includes info on how to use the ingredients in cooking.
  4. Profile posts that highlight a farmer, farmers’ market coordinator or someone else connected to a farm or farmers’ market.

How to Submit:

  • Posts must contain the phrase Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging with a link to Sarah’s Cucina Bella.
  • The posts can be written anytime during the week but you must email your post to me with WFMB in the subject line by 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Sunday. Send them to
  • In your email please include the following information:
    • Your Name
    • Your Blog Name/URL
    • Your Post URL
    • Your Location
    • Attach a photo

If you have any questions, reach out to me at or via social media.

Weekend Farmers' Market Blogging: Week 2 - Sarah's Cucina Bella

Sunday 11th of June 2017

[…] It’s week two of Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging! This weekly series is all about celebrating local eating from the farmers market to the […]

French Breakfast Radish, Prosciutto and Egg Breakfast Salad on Baby Kale - Sarah's Cucina Bella

Saturday 10th of June 2017

[…] This post is part of my Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging movement. Learn more about it here and check out the first recap here. French Breakfast Radish, Prosciutto and Egg Breakfast Salad on […]

Christina Nifong

Monday 5th of June 2017

Count me in! I'm a huge Farmers Market fan. We've got some travel coming up, but I'll email as I can. Looking forward to this!

Sarah Walker Caron

Monday 5th of June 2017

YAY! Can't wait to see what you come up with, Christina!

Weekend Farmers' Market Blogging: Week 1 - Sarah's Cucina Bella

Monday 5th of June 2017

[…] to Weekend Farmers’ Market Blogging‘s first week. This weekly series is all about celebrating local eating from the farmers […]


Tuesday 23rd of May 2017

Oh I'm so excited to see how this pans out!