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Strawberries and Cream Pancakes

Light, fluffy buttermilk pancakes are stacked with fresh homemade whipped cream and sliced strawberries to create these Strawberries and Cream Pancakes.

Strawberry season is beginning here in Connecticut this week. The pick-your-own farm that we go to every year is opening for the first time since last summer and I am giddy with excitement.

Since childhood, I have coveted those days in the strawberry fields, picking the sweet, warm berries. Inevitably, I sample a few, letting the ruby juices run down my fingers, staining them pink.

My kids have inherited my love … and though they tend to eat more than they pick, they make our trips to the pick-your-own farm (and the ride on the berry ferry!) special.

Usually, this would mean our first taste of strawberries since last summer. But this year is a little different.

Truth be told, we’ve been eating strawberries for months. Whereas I used to skip berries in the winter and spring when they were neither fresh or local, this year I couldn’t skip them. I needed them.

Strawberries are my favorite fruit, so when the prices started to drop a few months ago (coinciding with strawberry season in Florida), I happily started buying them. It’s not very local of me, but we do love them.

Still, those berries don’t hold a candle to the ones we will soon be picking.

One thing I know we’ll be using the berries for is these Strawberries and Cream Pancakes. Light, fluffy buttermilk pancakes are stacked with fresh homemade whipped cream and sliced strawberries to create a decadent breakfast (or dessert!) that’s sweet and summery.
Come on. You know you want to try them.

Yield: 4 servings

Strawberries and Cream Pancakes

Strawberries and Cream Pancakes

pancake recipe based on Betty Crocker Cookbook recipe; whipped cream is a family recipe



  • 1 large egg
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp canola oil
  • butter, for greasing the griddle

Whipped Cream:

  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cornstarch
  • 1 cup strawberries, rinsed and sliced


  1. First, make the pancakes. Start by heating a griddle over just below medium heat on the stove.
  2. While it's heating up, make the batter. Crack the egg into the bowl of a stand mixer. Beat on medium-high speed until it's lemony yellow and frothy. All the flour, buttermilk, granulated sugar, baking powder, salt and oil to the stand mixer. Beat until just combined.
  3. Lightly grease the griddle with butter. Use a ladle to drop rounds of about 1/4 cup of batter onto the griddle. Cook, flipping once, until golden on both sides. Remove from the griddle and keep warm in a pancake warmer or a 200 degree oven (on a baking sheet).
  4. Once the pancakes are all cooked, make the whipped cream. Add the heavy cream, powdered sugar and vanilla to the bowl of a stand mixer. Whip to soft peaks. Then, add the cornstarch and whip to stiff peaks.
  5. To assemble: Place one pancake on a plate. Top with a large dollop of whipped cream. Repeat. Finish with strawberries on top. Serve.


Wednesday 6th of June 2012

Your strawberries and cream pancakes looks delicious and you made me crave for it. I will surely try this. Thanks for sharing your recipe! Love it!


Saturday 2nd of June 2012

I wish I hadn't seen these before I have to make pancakes...MUST make pancakes. These are gorgeous, and I have everything I need in the refrigerator. (I found you through the BlogHer links. Your site is lovely.)

Sarah W. Caron

Saturday 2nd of June 2012

Thank you, Kelly! Hope you love it. My kids think this is just about the greatest breakfast ever.


Wednesday 30th of May 2012

I love picking my own strawberries and fresh picked berries of all kinds!

Sarah W. Caron

Thursday 31st of May 2012

Mmm. Do you have a lot of pick your own in Cali?


Tuesday 29th of May 2012

Strawberry and me, they go together. :D

Sarah W. Caron

Thursday 31st of May 2012

Ditto that, Minnie!

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