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Whole Wheat Blueberry Bread

Who loves blueberries? We do!

Blueberries are so good for you, filled with antioxidants, so my family has them regularly. When eating blueberries, I love those big, round sweet ones plucked fresh from bushes that are best in the heat of the summer when they are fresh. If they aren’t sweet, they just don’t hold the same allure.

In baking though, everything is different. The sweet berries can get lost in the shuffle. Instead, I prefer tart little wild blueberries for baked goods. They’re a good contrast to the sweet of breads, muffins and pancakes. (Hint: buy wild blueberries frozen and keep ’em on hand for whenever the urge strikes!)

Tart little wild blueberries are this sweet whole wheat bread. Actually, it’s half whole wheat, which allows it to both have the nutritious whole wheat factor and also be a lighter, springier crumb than an all-whole-wheat loaf would have. It’s the best of both worlds, really.

And this blueberry-dotted bread is perfect for having on hand for school day mornings. Just toast up a slice, spread on the butter and enjoy (with a glass of milk or OJ, naturally).

We’re now two weeks into the school year, and starting to adjust to the new flow of things. It’s a lot different though. Not only do we have the summer/school year adjustment happening, but the new school schedule is so different that I find myself jumping thinking we’re late for the bus or whatever.

I’m hoping one of these days when the earlier bus rolls through that I won’t have a few moments of panic like has been happening (read: OH no! The kids!), though it’s never my kids’ bus.

Speaking of the kids, I still astonished that Paige is in kindergarten — and I can’t seem to stop saying so.

For a while, she humored me but now we’ve reached the okay-mom-enough stage where she pretends she doesn’t hear me say it. It’s probably better, and maybe it will mean I can move on and stop saying it sooner than later. She hopes.

But really, wasn’t she just that itty bitty baby that I brought home from the hospital? Where did the time go?

Now, go make some bread.

Yield: 1 loaf

Whole Wheat Blueberry Bread

Whole Wheat Blueberry Bread


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
  • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen wild blueberries


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour a 8.5-inch loaf pan. Set aside.
  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the butter and sugar. Beat with the paddle attachment until light and fluffy -- about 2 minutes. Add the eggs and beat until well combined. Add the vanilla and beat until combined.
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the whole wheat flour, all purpose flour, baking powder and salt. With the stand mixer running on its lowest speed, add a little at a time until incorporated. Add the blueberries and beat briefly to combine.
  4. Pour the bread batter into the prepared loaf pan and spread into an even layer.
  5. Bake for about 1 hour, until golden and cooked through.
  6. Cool completely before slicing.

Carrie @ Poet in the Pantry

Sunday 29th of April 2018

Look at how little they were! I prefer the tart berrirs in baking, too. They make it more interesting.


Wednesday 20th of February 2013

Made this tonight and I am in love with it! I followed the recipe exactly, except I used all whole wheat flour. Everyone who has tried it says it's delicious, and I'd have to agree. Thanks for the recipe!

Sarah W. Caron

Wednesday 20th of February 2013

That's so great to hear, Alex! So happy you liked it.

Dana Cashin

Thursday 7th of February 2013

I just made your Blueberry Bread with whole wheat flower -just one question: is the batter supposed to be thick almost like cookie dough? I didn't think it was supposed to be where the directions said "pour" into baking pan. I added a little extra liquid to make it more of a batter consistency. I was careful with my measurements so do not understand its being so thick. Will know in about an hour how it turns out.

Dana Cashin

Friday 8th of February 2013

I used lemon extract and some lemon juice to make the batter easier to handle - it was outstanding lemon blueberry bread. Am going to print recipe and put in my changes so I can do it again!

Sarah W. Caron

Thursday 7th of February 2013

Yes, it is a thicker dough for sure. Can't wait to hear how you like it!


Saturday 8th of September 2012

This looks like a fabulous healthy recipe for blueberry bread!


Friday 7th of September 2012

I loved this recipe. It looks so delish!!!! Amazing, you feel like picking up and taking a bite. :-D

BTW do join me. I am hosting a gala dinner extravaganza, a fabulous linky party for all. It's going to go on for the entire weekend. Check this out.

Please come and join the party and help me make it a success.

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