I’ve been biding my time until our carrots and radishes were ripe. Finally, this past week, I took a chance and pulled some — and guess what? They were.
Buried just under the soil were perfect carrots, delightful beets and the beginnings of walla walla onions, though I didn’t pull any of those yet.
So were a ton of cucumbers destined for pickles and a gross of wax beans.
I pulled the peas after harvesting the last of them. But I didn’t get to the replanting I have planned. Today, I hope, will be the day.
The tomatoes have a bounty on them. We’ve only had a handle of them ripen so far, but I think we’re close to more — many, many more.
And now we just wait for the cabbage (shown here) and broccoli to be ready for harvest too.
How’s your garden growing?
Monday 12th of August 2019
Those root veggies are gorgeous!
Sarah Walker Caron
Monday 12th of August 2019
Thank you!!