Sometimes I fear that my posts are starting to be too much of the same. I certainly hope that isn’t the case, but each time I sit down to write, I come from the same happy, joyous place that is grounded in the onset of spring and hopeful for the start of summer.

It was a dark winter here, too long and closed off. Between locked up windows, early nightfalls and the frigid cold that scolded our skin whenever we attempted to venture beyond the confines of our house, it was just hard. But ever since spring struck not long ago (has it been two months already?), everything has felt more open and inviting. As I write this, I can hear the laughter of my children drifting in from our little playground area and everything just seems peaceful. They are happily playing outside while Shawn grills the burgers I made. I am just so happy these days.
Let me tell you a bit about these burgers. They are juicy, with an unexpected pop of flavor. And they grill up to a perfect, round patty. Topped with a little Swiss cheese, they scream “Summer is here!” And it almost is.
So what’s the secret to a good hamburger? (Sorry, no recipe here folks, just a few good tips.)
- Use ground beef with some fat content. I prefer 88 percent lean. Any leaner, and they tend to be a little dry. Any less lean and they can be a little greasy.
- Before forming the patties, combine 2 tsp of Good Seasons Italian Dressing Mix with the meat. Work together until well combined … yes, with your hands.
- When you form the patties, spread them out to the diameter you want from the center, pressing the edges in to form a clean, fat edge. When you are done, press your thumb into the center to form an indentation about 1/4 inch deep. Then grill to the desired doneness.
What’s your hamburger tip?
Thursday 4th of June 2009
We always use good ol Worchestershire sauce!!!
Wednesday 3rd of June 2009
I usually mix some bread crumbs (toasted) in... it keeps the burger from drying out, I find.
Cate O'Malley
Wednesday 3rd of June 2009
Mmmm, love the smell of burgers grilling - yum. Tried to figure out our grill today but will need to call for reinforcements. Grilling tip? I also make a small indentation in the center of the patty before grilling. When it grills, the indentation will fill in and you'll have a nice flat top, instead of slightly domed, after it's cooked.