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Cooking With Kids: Will’s Fruity Salsa

This post would be more accurately titled “Letting Kids Do the Cooking,” but I don’t want to interrupt the flow of this weekly feature (which I totally love, by the way).

And besides, this was still cooking with kids, since I did all the prep work and set Will’s mise en place out for him. But he was responsible for the idea, the push and the actual making of the dish.

And that dish was delish. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist the rhyme.)

Will was inspired by a photo of a fruit salsa that he saw. He immediately asked to make it.

And while I wasn’t game for the actual pictured salsa (too many odd ingredients), I was more than happy to help him create his own version. We used frozen mango that we defrosted in a bowl for a few hours. The pineapple is from kid-friendly cups of pineapple that I keep in the cupboard. We always have red peppers on hand (everyone in the house eats them, YAY!)–same with the lime. And we just had to pick up the cilantro at the store.

The result? A kid-made, kid-friendly salsa that we devoured during the game last night. I love fruity salsas and this one, with its hint of citrus and whisper of cilantro is a perfect non-hot version.

Yield: about 2 1/2 cups

Will's Fruity Salsa

Will's Fruity Salsa


  • 2 cups diced mango, (about 1/2 inch dice)
  • 1/4 cup diced pineapple
  • 1/4 cup diced red peppers
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
  • juice of 1 lime
  • salt


  1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and stir until well mixed. Chill until ready to serve.
  2. This will last for about a week in the fridge in an air-tight container.


Tuesday 9th of February 2010

Love when kids take charge and make themselves something yummy and healthy. I wish we had good mangos out here in CT. But right now they are hopeless. I'll file this away for the summer. Thanks. Love the whole kids cooking column.


Tuesday 9th of February 2010

Looks delicious! I love a good, fruity salsa.


Tuesday 9th of February 2010

Cooking with kids definitely needs to happen more in people's lives. I remember making a salsa when I was very young with diced mango, red onion, tomato, and seasoned liberally with black pepper and cumin. Mixed all up, my entire family loved it as a side dish. And, as you say, keeps for about a week. Ours almost always got eaten first - either with meals, or straight with a spoon.

Sook @ My Fabulous Recipes

Tuesday 9th of February 2010

Oh the salsa looks refreshing and delicious![ .-= Sook @ My Fabulous Recipes´s last blog ..Indian Style Rice w/ Chickpea & Award =-.

Liz - Meal Makeover Mom

Tuesday 9th of February 2010

Cooking with Kids is a great concept for a weekly feature. So glad I found your blog. I'll definitely be stopping by often!

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