Cape May, New Jersey, is located at the southern tip of the state and home to a wonderful zoo, beaches and more. Here’s how our summer adventure went.

Last week, Shawn and I packed up the kids and the car (yes, my tiny Civic!) and headed south for the week. While our Connecticut home is near some lovely beaches, we went to a little spot that I adore: Cape May, New Jersey.
I first visited Cape May more than 15 years ago when my friend’s family took me on vacation with them a few times. With such fond memories of the trips, I have been wanting to turn to the sunny ocean-side spot for years. I am so glad to have finally done so.
The actual impetus to go there came when I – on a whim – Googled some combination of the words Cape May and Cabin. Up popped a listing for Ponderosa Campground. The site offered almost everything I could ever want in a campground cabin: electricity, a mini fridge, an in-cabin bathroom and even air conditioning (to keep the troops happy) … there was also a television, but I refused the remote and we never watched it. And the price? Just $40 a night. I called immediately and booked our vacation. It was just too perfect to pass up.

I did worry that the $40 price tag would mean that it wasn’t a good place to stay, but the staff was so friendly and helpful, the cabin was immaculate, the pool was pristine. It was great. The only downside? The mattresses were as thin as they come … but who cares? We just tired ourselves out and dealt with it … it is a campground after all

Almost all week, we cooked at the cabin. PBJ for lunch, grilled something for dinner. Outside the cabin, there was a charcoal grill, which we used for cooking. Although I have used charcoal before, I haven’t in a long time … furthermore, I have never lit a charcoal grill without lighter fluid. But the chimney gadget made it so easy. We just stuffed paper in the bottom, lit it and were cooking in about 15 minutes. Easy peasy!
There was also a firepit where we roasted marshmallows most of the nights while we were there. So fun.
What did we do while we were there?
- Cape May Zoo – The zoo was a fabulous excursion. The kids fed ducks and goats, checked out lions and tigers and bears (and giraffes and zebra) and so much more. They loved the whole experience so much that we actually went twice. I totally recommend it. And the best part? It’s free! (But they operate on donations, so do consider giving one).
- Morey’s Piers at Wildwood – When we were driving to Wildwood, suddenly the name of the piers where I spent so many hours as a teen came to mind … and off we went. My little kids loved the many, many kids rides there. We played for about two hours before it started to pour … like seriously POUR. The only downside? It gets expensive fast. I suggest buying the family four-pack of wristbands ($160) to save money.
- Cape May’s Boardwalk – There is a small boardwalk on Cape May’s beach with an arcade, a great pizza place, Morrow’s Nuthouse, McGlade’s Restaurant and more. On our last afternoon, we went and walked along it, stopping for cheese fries and to buy some fudge and taffy. It was so much fun … and when we go back (because we will), we’ll spend more days in that area since it’s so serene and relaxing.
It was a great week … hope yours was too. Check in tomorrow for a fab new grill recipe.
For Afterschool or Anytime: Cookie Cup Sundaes | Sarah’s Cucina Bella :: Family Food
Friday 13th of August 2010
[...] digging our toes into the sand, and hiking around a park where Dinosaurs once roamed. We’ve camped at a fabulous campground (in a cabin!), spent afternoons at the zoo and shopped till we dropped. It’s been awesome. This summer has [...]
Jessica @ How Sweet
Monday 21st of June 2010
This is so crazy - I was in Cape May all last week, too! We live in Pa, but have gone to Cape May for 28 years. We have gone to Moreys Pier and always stop at Morrows. Too cool! :) Glad you guys had a great time.
Sarah Caron
Tuesday 29th of June 2010
That's so funny! I love that you go to all the places I mentioned. We can't wait to head back next year. I think we'll go for longer.