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Guest Post: Mele Cotte’s Sundried Tomato Pasta Pizza Recipe

Change up your pizza routine with a creative take on the classic. This Sundried Tomato Pasta Pizza Recipe is quick, easy and absolutely delicious.

Sundried Tomato Pasta Pizza Recipe

Readers, I promised you a great post and here it is … Please welcome Chris from Mele Cotte, who is guest posting for me today with a recipe for this delicious Pasta Pizza. Doesn’t that look incredible?!?

There are so many wonderful blogs out there. I am always amazed at the many new ones, how seasoned that are, as the entire “brandings” look as though the foodies behind the computers are anything but professionals. Then, I reflect my early years some four years ago. I was so green, in all aspects, from reading blogs prior to starting my own, my own posts, recipes, and the pictures. (Oh, those terrible cell phone pictures…ha! ha!)

Even so, I was diligent in keeping up with reading my favorites blogs. One of the first blogs I came across was, in fact, Cucina Bella. In the Bloglight (not in existence anymore) spotlighted Sarah in all her fabulousness. A month later, I began Mele Cotte, and continued reading and bookmarking Sarah’s recipes.

It wasn’t until I had the opportunity to work with her and Cate on the Well Fed Network that I got to “know” her (virtually) a little better. While she and I have yet to meet personally, I can’t help but I think of her like Sandra Bullock. You know Sandra is every bit as fabulous as she appears both on and off screen. And, that’s how I imagine Sarah – not only an amazing (professional) writer, but just as genuine in real life as she is on Sarah’s Cucina Bella. So naturally, when she put out the call for guest posters, I emailed immediately. Me! Me! It would be my privilege to write for Sarah!

Once it was set, I pondered. What I would write about that represented Sarah’s Cucina Bella well, and with respect? With Sarah’s Cucina Bella’s great balance of sweet and savory deliciousness for the adult and young palate, I really like that the posts targeted for families/kids treat the foods with reverence. The flavor profiles remind parents, and demonstrate to the kids, that it’s okay it is never too early to season a sophisticated appetite. Therefore, I wanted this post here today to portray the same. Hopefully, I will do Sarah’s Cucina Bella justice.

Sundried Tomato Pasta Pizza

Have you been able to catch any of the new line up of the Cooking Channel? Has it been picked up by your local cable company? Luckily, Atlanta began running it and I was glued to the new, fresh shows on Memorial Day. Simultaneously, while reveling in its back to basics non-celebrity-like appeal, I participated in several tweet exchanges about the various shows, and noted recipes I wanted to try along the way. One specific recipe that made me lift by eyebrow was simple, yet (it seemed) tasty. In fact, it was reminiscent of a dish my mom whipped when I was younger, potato and egg pie; a dish I have always had difficulty replicating.

The chef, David Rocco brought a refreshing face to his Italian cooking; I am not sure what it is, exactly. Maybe his appeal was that he was in Naples. Maybe it was because he cooked with the fervor of my grandma. I don’t know. What I do know is that I bookmarked several recipes Dolce Vita recipes, including his Pasta Pizza.

Who doesn’t have left over pasta after a meal at home? Okay, me, but that’s only because I don’t eat pasta much anymore. Nonetheless, as an Italian girl, I loved how easy the Pasta Pizza recipe looked while being cooked on my TV screen. I thought, “I am ready”. Ready for what? Ready to try the “flip” technique again that has been the bane of my failed attempts as I unsuccessfully completed mom’s potato and egg pie. Luckily for me, and kudos to David, I flipped successfully.

I did tweak the recipe from its original specifications, adding my own Mele Cotte spin, and was delighted with the end result. Woot! Woot! Should you choose to try this recipe, which is extremely adaptable for any palate, I bid you a happy and healthy consumption. Finire di mangiare!

Yield: 4 servings

Mele Cotte's Sundried Tomato Pasta Pizza Recipe

Mele Cotte's Sundried Tomato Pasta Pizza Recipe

Adapted from David Rocco’s Dolce Vita

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes


  • 1 1/4 cup cooked whole wheat elbow pasta
  • 2 eggs, , slightly beaten
  • 2 Tbsp. freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • 1/4 cup diced sundried tomato, (that were packed in oil) plus extra for garnish
  • 3 tablespoons the sundried tomato oil
  • 1/4 cup fresh Basil Pesto
  • Salt


  1. In a bowl, beat eggs with freshly grated cheese before tossing with leftover spaghetti. Make sure the spaghetti is fully covered with the egg. Add a dash or two of salt, to taste, noting that the leftover spaghetti is already seasoned with salt.
  2. Heat the oil in a saucepan. To test oil temperature, drop a piece of spaghetti into the pan. If it sizzles upon contact, the oil is ready. Pour the spaghetti mixture into the pan and flatten it out like a pancake.
  3. Fry for 2 minutes on high heat, or until golden brown. To flip the pasta, cover the pan with a plate larger than the pan, and hold it covered. Flip the pan and plate together to transfer the pasta onto the plate, then slide the uncooked portion back into pan and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, or until golden brown.
  4. Remove the pizza pasta from the pan and place it on a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Serve warm or cold, topped with pesto and sundried tomato slices.


Sunday 20th of June 2010

This is SO imaginative! I love it! Definitely going on The List to try in the future. .-= FabFrugalFood´s last blog ..Fab Frugal Friday: Don’t Throw Out That Wilted Salad! Turn Leftover Salad into Frugal Pesto =-.

Sarah Caron

Tuesday 29th of June 2010

Thanks for all the great comments! Chris, this looks fab!


Saturday 19th of June 2010

What a delight! This looks so different from anything I have made and delish. We love pasta and especially Kamut Wheat pasta so I am happy that it calls for whole wheat! Thanks for sharing this.

Southwest Spaghetti Pie « The Teacher Cooks

Friday 18th of June 2010

[...] Sarah’s Cucina Bella has a guest blogger from Atlanta MeleCotta-   Sundried Tomatoe Pasta P... [...]

I was Introduced to the Devil on Horseback in New York City

Thursday 17th of June 2010

[...] with kids on What’s Cooking.  Then, sweet, sweet Sarah let me have carte blanche with a post on Sarah Cucina’s Bella, so I went with a little Pasta Pizza. Have two words ever sounds so fabulously [...]

The Teacher Cooks

Thursday 17th of June 2010

What a great post Chris! Kids and families are going to be raving over your Pasta Pizza! .-= The Teacher Cooks´s last blog ..Skirt Steak with Green Beans, Corn, and Pesto =-.

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