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Sweet Potato Avocado Hash

Sweet peppers, sweet onions, sweet potatoes and creamy avocado combine in this easy, satisfying Sweet Potato Avocado Hash breakfast dish. Perfect served with eggs (and perhaps a sausage or two).

Last fall when I was teaching two morning classes at two different universities, I ate breakfast on the go more often than I ever thought I would. I knew which drive-thru had the orange juice I prefer, which had the best oatmeal, and which breakfast sandwich I would make an exception for.

We’re a family that shops farmers’ markets and also grow some of our own foods. And I’m a mom who loves to cook, and especially loves to make things from scratch. I think a lot about what we put in our bodies and try really hard to make it mostly nutritious most of the time.

But we’re also a family that eats out on occasion. Sometimes it’s because we’re in a hurry. Sometimes it’s because we just feel like it. But I would be lying if I didn’t admit that sometimes we even use drive-thrus, as I did a little too often on those fall mornings.

So when I heard this week that the eggs some of those places are serving aren’t … quite what we thought they were, it totally gave me pause.

According to recent news stories, eggs served by fast food restaurants often are more “eggs” than eggs. What I mean is that instead of the simple, one-ingredient ingredient of eggs, the ones served often have other ingredients like xanthan gum and citric acid added to the mix. The additives often act as preservatives and also sometimes help the egg product maintain a familiar texture.

And here I thought an egg was an egg.

That was the wakeup call I needed. Eating breakfast at home is way superior. That’s not to say there aren’t restaurants and eateries doing breakfast right — there definitely are. But at home, we get to control the ingredients we use, choose flavors and textures we enjoy and create dishes that fill us up and satisfy too.

Dishes like this one do all of that. For my family, at least.

Sweet Potato Avocado Hash is a combination of sweet potato, onion, sweet pepper and avocado. Tender and caramelized, this is a dish to serve with perfectly cooked egg and maybe some chicken sausage. Balanced, wholesome, tasty.

But, I should note, this probably isn’t a dish to make on a busy morning. Instead, it’s something to make while lingering over a good book and a coffee while easing your way into the day.

First, sweet potatoes are boiled until just tender. By doing so, you ensure that the potatoes cook fully without compromising the cooking of other ingredients.

Then onions and sweet peppers are cooked in a little olive oil to crisp-tender with hints of brownness. Add the sweet potatoes and avocado to the pan too, season and cook a bit longer and then you have this tender, caramelized dish with layers of flavor. It’s satisfying and nutritious too.

Perfect for enjoying together, the avocado lovers in your life will thank you heartily for this breakfast.

Yield: 4 servings

Sweet Potato Avocado Hash

Sweet Potato Avocado Hash

Sweet peppers, sweet onions, sweet potatoes and creamy avocado combine in this easy, satisfying Sweet Potato Avocado Hash breakfast dish. Perfect served with eggs (and perhaps a sausage or two).

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 1 sweet potato, cubed (3/4-inch dice)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 sweet onion, thinly sliced (2-inch long pieces)
  • 2/3 cup sweet pepper, thinly sliced (2-inch long pieces)
  • 1 avocado, thinly sliced (2-inch long pieces)
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Place the sweet potato in a small saucepan and cover with water (about an inch above the potatoes). Bring to a boil and cook until just tender -- about 7-10 minutes. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a large skillet set over medium heat, heat the olive oil. Add the onion and pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, until tender and beginning to brown. 
  3. Add the sweet potatoes and avocado to the skillet and toss well to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 4-5 minutes, until the potatoes begin to brown.
  4. Divide evenly among four plates. Top with an egg, prepared however you like. And season with additional salt and pepper, if needed. Enjoy!


Tuesday 23rd of January 2018

I love making a sweet potato hash and using it for breakfast all week. Can't wait to try it with avocado!

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