This drink combines the antioxidant properties of green tea with the aphrodisiacs honey, cocoa (also has antioxidants) and ginger (a stimulant).
I’ve heard it a million times. “I don’t like the taste of water.” And with that comment off the person goes to grab a soda, juice or whatever taste it is they do like. Of course, they’re abandoning the possibility that water could be made tasty with a few minor adjustments. But let’s face it, those people aren’t so much anti-water as they are pro-drink favorites.
Looking for something else tasty to drink? Try my recipe for Organic Hot Chocolate.
Nonetheless, this morning I was sitting here lamenting my late discovery of the food blogging event Sugar High Friday when I started cooking up ideas. Since this month’s theme was aphrodisiacs, I researched a bit on the subject and found out that there are many foods that fall into that category – chocolate, honey, ginger, etc. I romanced the idea of a late submission of my own special Aphrodite’s Ultimate Brownie, but ultimately decided to hold off and surprise my husband with those on Valentine’s Day.
Still, I was intrigued about what could be created using these mythical ingredients. Then it came to me: what about liquid desire, or rather a concoction of ingredients with aphrodisiac properties. So here it is, and it’s yummy.
Liquid Aphrodisiac

- 1 cup brewed green tea
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder, unsweetened
- 1/4 tsp ground ginger
- 1 cup ice
- Combine all ingredients in a blender
- Blend on high for 45 seconds
- Drink
Now why is this so special? Well it combines the antioxidant properties of green tea, which are thought to be helpful in preventing diseases like cancer and heart disease, with the aphrodisiacs honey, cocoa (also has antioxidants) and ginger (a stimulant).
Just consider it liquid lovin’.
Tuesday 14th of February 2006
that sounds absolutely delicious. love the pictures!