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Stuffed Basil Omelet

This week has just zipped by so I am already looking towards the weekend, which means time for Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted by Kalyn’s Kitchen. WHB was on the road last week, but it’s back home with Kalyn this week. Next week, Sweetnicks will be playing host though.

This week I reverted to my favorite herb: basil.

I love the way it tastes, the way it seasons and everything about it. In fact, I am working on growing it. Though I did lose one plant earlier this year (from too much pruning, I suspect), this one seems to be going cautiously well.

The basil I used in my recipe didn’t come from this plant. I have a whole big tub of it in my fridge and want to allow this plant to thrive before I start picking leaves off of it.

I am determined to have a successful growing this time.

Anyway, I came up with this recipe out of a need to use certain things in my fridge: the aforementioned basil, sundried tomatoes, prosciutto, and smoked mozzarella. And the prosciutto is a problem ingredient since the deli at my local Big Y grocery store cut it thick. Again.

Side note: Who cut prosciutto thick??? Don’t they know their deli meats?

Sorry. I am a bit frustrated by that.

I decided to use it to cook, rather than making one big ol’sandwich (I’ll probably be healthier for it too). This particular recipe was awesome but beware – do not add any salt because the prosciutto and smoked mozzarella are salty enough on their own.

Yield: 1 serving

Stuffed Basil Omelet

Stuffed Basil Omelet


  • 1 egg
  • dash pepper
  • 2 basil leaves, , shredded
  • 2 slices prosciutto, , chopped
  • 1/5 oz. smoked mozzarella, , chopped
  • 1 sundried tomato, , chopped


  1. Combine egg, pepper and basil in a small bowl and beat until the egg is frothy.
  2. Spray a small skillet with cooking spray and place on a burner over medium heat. When the pan is warm, pour the egg mixture in.
  3. Cook until omelet is almost completely cooked through. Spread prosciutto, mozzarella and tomato on one half of the omelet and fold the other half over.
  4. Continue cooking 2-3 minutes, until cheese begins to melt.


Monday 5th of June 2006

Thanks Ruth, Kalyn and Elizabeth!

This is one of these things that I would never have done if it weren't for the proscuitto mishap, plus the grocery store being out of regular fresh mozzarella.


Monday 5th of June 2006

What a great idea to use smoked mozzarella in an omelette!



Monday 5th of June 2006

Well you know the saying "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade" - well glad to see you figured out what to do with inappropriately cut proscuitto! The omelet sounds delicious

Thanks for sharing.


Thursday 1st of June 2006

This sounds like a fantastic combination to me. You're right, it's downright weird to cut proscuitto thick. Maybe it's a new counter person. Anyway, sounds like you made the best of it.

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