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Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Salami

The time has come. You know the one: where you are ready to just get on with things.

After a summer of bursting-fresh heirloom tomatoes, peaches with juices that dribble down your chin, corn so sweet it might be better than candy and discovering summer squash, I am ready for the next phase of vegetable eating.

Bring on the broccoli and the roasted cauliflower. A taste of asparagus? Yes please! And Brussels sprouts … oh, yes!

Are you ready for the turn of season?

Yield: 4 servings

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Salami

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Salami


  • 10 oz brussels sprouts, , trimmed and quartered
  • 4 slices salami, , chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • pine nuts, (optional)
  • grated sharp provolone cheese, (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Combine the Brussels sprouts, salami, olive oil, salt and pepper in a cast iron, ovensafe dish. Place in oven and cook for 30-40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, until Brussels spouts are slightly browned and cooked through.
  3. Garnish with provolone and pine nuts, if desired.


Monday 13th of October 2008

Love the sprouts but don't like salami - I'll try without. I'm going to be making lots of butternut and acorn squash recipes, chilis, stews, soups - in these beautiful fall and chilly winter days. If we have enough snow - some of my meetings will get cancelled and I'll have an unexpected day of relaxation and reading. I plan to do more crock-pot cooking this fall.


Monday 6th of October 2008

Well I can't say that I'm quite ready for summer to be over, I do love brussels sprouts. Can't I just have both? These really look delicious. I'll definitely have to give them a try.


Saturday 4th of October 2008

What a brilliant idea! I never thought to do brussels sprouts like that.


Wednesday 1st of October 2008

That looks so good. Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite veggies.

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