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Easy Roasted Sunchokes Recipe

This Easy Roasted Sunchokes recipe is simple to make but filled with so much flavor. Enjoy these as a side dish when sunchokes are in season!

Easy Roasted Sunchokes Recipe

A few years ago, I read a blog post where the author declared their undying love for sunchokes. I’d never seen or heard of this … thing (not knowing what it was, I couldn’t decide if it was a vegetable or what).

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I discovered sunchokes for sale in a new local Whole Foods store. Of course, I bought them right away and rushed home to cook them, right? Well, no. Actually, I made a mental note to purchase them next time and picked up my beloved daikon radishes instead.

Last week, I found myself back at the same Whole Foods and grabbed about a pound of sunchokes to try.

What is a sunchoke?

Sunchokes are a root vegetable that looks a lot like a potato with a hint of a knobby ginger root. Raw sunchokes are said to have the texture of water chestnuts, though I felt like it was little more like a raw radish (the red, round kind).

They are sometimes called Jerusalem artichokes.

When you cook sunchokes, they get creamy and smooth.

The taste? Sunchokes don’t have any overwhelming taste when raw (read: kind of bland). But in this roasted sunchokes recipe, they take on a slight sweetness with hints of potato and artichoke heart. Actually, my husband and I agreed that the taste bears a stunning likeness to Terra chips.

Why this sunchoke recipe?

I think the true test of a new food (and yes, this was a new food to me) is whether you would eat it again. I definitely will. These roasted artichokes are creamy and smooth with a pleasant sweet-savoriness. These will likely hit my table again this weekend.

Yield: 2 servings

Easy Roasted Sunchokes

Easy Roasted Sunchokes Recipe
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes


  • 1 lb sunchokes
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. Rinse the sunchokes under cold water, scrubbing lightly to remove any dirt. Cut into quarters and place onto the baking sheet. Don’t over-crowd them though, they need their space.
  3. Drizzle the sunchokes with olive oil and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.
  4. Cook for 35-45 minutes, stirring once or twice.


This recipe is a cinch to double or triple to serve more people.


Thursday 15th of April 2021

Just picked some up at our local "Fresh Thyme" market. I was intrigued and wanted to try them so your recipe came up. So simple and delicious. Thank you for keeping it simple. My new favorite side dish.

Sarah Walker Caron

Saturday 17th of April 2021

So glad you liked the recipe! Thank you, Amie!

Diane Ives

Friday 19th of June 2015

Thx. Will definitely try this, love sunchokes. I only tried for first time last year. They're like potatoes only better, and I love my potatoes. But will forego tin foil lining, it's a waste of a very scarce, energy intensive natural resource. Will also try planting one or two tubers, they grow like weeds and produce flowers. They are native American sunflowers from Great Plains.

George C.

Tuesday 29th of October 2013

My daughterinlaw's sister gave me a large bag full of these veggies but I really didn't know what to d o with them until I read your article. Thanks for the information. I will roast some of the tonight with dinner. Do you have other recipes that the sunchokes can be used with? If so I would certainly like to have any that you might have.

Sarah W. Caron

Wednesday 30th of October 2013

George, so happy my recipe could help! I don't have any other sunchoke recipes here's a soup recipe from a site that I love. Simply Recipes has never let me down.

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup on Simply Recipes -


Sunday 27th of January 2013

it is a pity that in Russia it is difficult to get such product :)


Sunday 13th of January 2013

You can't belive how people do not know about or even cook sunchokes. Was at local Grange auction and Sunchokes came up to bid on and no one know any thing about them . They went for a quater a bag. I have them growing all over, we love them.All ways looking for new recipes to cook them. My family likes them raw, with salt on.

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