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Greek Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Briny olives, crunchy bits of cucumber, moist chicken chunks, creamy, salty feta and an easy dressing combine in this easy recipe for Greek Chicken Salad Sandwiches.

Today is Will’s last day of preschool. Ever.

I can hardly believe it.

You always hear people say that children grow up so quickly, but only in experiencing it can you appreciate just how true that is. It seems like just yesterday that I was uncomfortably pregnant with him and now he’s almost 5. Time really does fly.

I’ve been thinking the same thing about Paige recently … she’s gone from round-faced baby to thinking, plotting, planning little girl in no time.

The other day, I was working on a recipe (this recipe, in fact), when Paige pulled up her trusty pink stool and started asking questions. I was photographing some cubed chicken at the time. She wanted to know what it was, why I was taking pictures and what I was going to do with it.

She followed me through the kitchen as I added all the ingredients to a mixing bowl and then stirred it all together. I explained every step of the process as I went, with her listening and watching intently and with great curiosity. She is at a point where she really wants to understand everything she sees.

These children … they are amazing.

In regards to this sandwich … it’s a wonderful, easy fast lunch that involves no heating of the kitchen (SCORE!). Perfect for hot days … or any day.

The combination of briny olives, crunchy bits of cucumber, moist chicken chunks, creamy, salty feta and an easy dressing is fabulous on pita bread. For the chicken, I used leftover grilled chicken, but you could easily substitute rotisserie chicken or even those premade chicken strips (Trader Joe’s sells them in the freezer section).

It’s definitely a crowd-pleaser.

Yield: 4 servings

Greek Chicken Salad Sandwiches Recipe

Greek Chicken Salad Sandwiches Recipe

Briny olives, crunchy bits of cucumber, moist chicken chunks, creamy, salty feta and an easy dressing combine in this easy recipe for Greek Chicken Salad Sandwiches.

Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 1/2 cup diced cucumber
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 cup diced, cooked chicken
  • 1/4 cup chopped kalamata olives
  • 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp dried basil
  • sea salt and ground black pepper
  • 4 small, about 4" round pita breads or two regular size ones


  1. Combine the cucumber and the kosher salt in a mesh sieve over a bowl or the sink and let sit for about 10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, combine the chicken, kalamata olives and feta cheese in a medium bowl. Set to the side.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together the white wine vinegar, olive oil and dried basil. Set aside.
  4. Press gently on the cucumbers to remove any excess water and gently shake the sieve. Then, pour into the bowl with the chicken mixture. Stir to combine. Pour the dressing (the white wine mixture) over and stir well. Let sit for a minute or two before using.
  5. Cut the pita bread into two half-moons. Divide the chicken salad evenly among the halves.
  6. If using small pita breads, two halves is a serving. If using regular size ones, one-half is the serving.


Sunday 5th of December 2010

very nice dish i love so much this dish thanks alot

CSA Day: Grilled Summer Squash with Tomatoes, Garlic and Scallions (and Other Yummy Ideas for Your CSA Haul) | Sarah’s Cucina Bella :: Family Food

Thursday 12th of August 2010

[...] Cucumbers – Greek Chicken Salad Sandwiches [...]


Tuesday 13th of July 2010

Hi Sarah! I remember eating one of these: Make that three! They were so delicious and were great served cold, making a nice lunch on a hot summer day. Can't wait for the next thing you bring!

Liz - Meal Makeover Mom

Tuesday 22nd of June 2010

I can relate to the "kids growing up so fast" thing. Simon, my 11-year old has his last day of elementary school tomorrow. I'm beyond sad ... middle school is kind of scary! You recipe looks like something Simon would really like. He's big on olives. Did your kids like what they helped mom make? .-= Liz - Meal Makeover Mom´s last blog ..Beef Nutrition News & a Recipe for Lemon Thyme Rub (Podcast #107) =-.

Sarah Caron

Tuesday 29th of June 2010

Liz, I am blessed with two kids who eat just about everything ... and they LOVE trying things that they help make.

Lori @ RecipeGirl

Sunday 13th of June 2010

These look delicious- might have to leave out the olives for my little one... who has grown from baby to age 9 in like 1 year (or so it seems!) .-= Lori @ RecipeGirl´s last blog ..Help Me Get On Oprah! =-.

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