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Marinated Grilled Chicken Recipe

With notes of basil and garlic, this Marinated Grilled Chicken recipe is an easy, quick way to have flavorful chicken off the barbecue.

Marinated Grilled Chicken

Things change so quickly.

When I was a young child, we had a television. It was a really big deal when my grandmother and I went shopping for a VCR for my grandfather … and that wasn’t a small, inexpensive present.

Back then, there was no on-demand, no home computer, no iPods.

Then, all of a sudden, all those things were.

Likewise, when I started blogging, something that I wasn’t entirely comfortable with at the time, the food blogosphere was a relatively small place with a Cheers-like feeling. It really seemed like everyone knew each other.

But things changed.

Many new voices added their photos and words to the food blogging community. Soon, there were whole conferences related to food blogging. There are so many food bloggers today in 2010 that I feel like I can’t even keep up with the ones I love, let alone get entranced by the many new bloggers. Still, I try to read a few new blogs each week.

Another big change? When I started this blog, Will was an infant – a tiny, quiet, hungry infant. His diet was limited to milk and he hadn’t yet had his first bite of so-called solid food.

Today, that tiny infant is graduating from preschool. Where did the time go?

This summer, we will practice his reading skills, writing skills and those dreaded scissor skills. We’ll read letters off of billboards as we hit the road for a few fun excursions and sound out the words on menus and boxes. We’ll go hiking and camping and dig for clams at the seashore.

We’re heading out soon to Will’s graduation (actually, they call it a moving-up ceremony, but whatever. It’s graduation). His clothes are laid out and ready to go, and all we need to do is eat and get going.

But then, isn’t that an essential part of growing up? Just going ahead.

If you will excuse me, rather than make some attempt at a creative transition, I am going to launch into the recipe for Marinated Grilled Chicken now.

I used to think that marinating was something that you needed to plan ahead for and start early in the day. But I have learned more recently that some marinades need only a half-hour or an hour to do their magic. This recipe includes one of those.

All in all, this can be made in as little as an hour – from marinating to serving. With notes of garlic and basil, this chicken recipe is delightful served over caramelized onion orzo with roasted mushrooms.

But this Marinated Grilled Chicken could also be wonderful served on a salad.

Or served with grilled potatoes and a salad.

Or rolled into a wrap.

The possibilities are endless, really.

Just try it and see where the culinary winds blow you.

Yield: 4 servings

Marinated Grilled Chicken

Marinated Grilled Chicken
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Additional Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 25 minutes


  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp dried basil
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed and lightly chopped
  • Sea salt and pepper
  • 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken


  1. Whisk together the white wine vinegar, olive oil, basil, garlic, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Set aside.
  2. Wash the chicken in cool water and pat dry. Cut into 1-inch-wide strips. Add to the marinade and let sit for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Prepare your grill for grilling (if using gas, preheat it on its medium setting).
  4. Grill the chicken until cooked through, flipping once.

Easy Daikon Salad Recipe | Sarah’s Cucina Bella :: Family Food

Thursday 9th of September 2010

[...] enjoy you will! Try Daikon Salad alone, with shredded carrots and peanuts or even in a wrap with grilled chicken. It’s also delish served alongside dishes like pad thai or chicken [...]

The Teacher Cooks

Thursday 10th of June 2010

I know that you have heard this but enjoy every minute that you have with your children. They will be in college before you know it. Nice quick and easy marinade. .-= The Teacher Cooks´s last blog ..Delicious Brownies =-.

Cate O'Malley

Wednesday 9th of June 2010

Congrats, Will! .-= Cate O'Malley´s last blog ..May 2010 Recipe Round-Up =-.


Wednesday 9th of June 2010

Wow! What a big day for him!

I always think of marinades as something that needs to be done well ahead of time, but found one just the other day that only requires 30 minutes... totally doable on a weeknight! .-= patsyk´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Discovery =-.

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