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Garlic and Parsley Roasted Cauliflower

The sun is shining. I know, it doesn’t sound like much, but the first six or so weeks of winter here were marked with gray skies and ever-impending snow. The harsh weather was unlike anything I’d experienced before, and for the first time, I understood the winter blues.

I was frantic — trying to harness what little natural light we were getting for my photography. Trying to hold everything together when deadlines loomed and the kids were home on yet another snow day. Trying to keep our driveway clear, so that a much-needed oil drop could be made. Trying to keep the kids happy and occupied when I was going in 50 directions myself.

It was hard.

But the sun, today and over the past week or so, has melted away that frustration (along with a lot of the ice and some of the still-way-too-deep snow). I am starting to feel human again. Thank goodness.

Now, I am counting down to spring. Yesterday, we got a little preview. It was so warm here that I shed my coat and went without it all day (can you say bliss?). Today it’s cold again. But yesterday’s little respite from the cold and chill of winter, left me thinking all day about the glorious months of farmers’ markets and fresh veggies and sun-filled beach days. We’re getting there (a few weeks ago, it felt like we never would).

Until spring comes, I am making the most of what my local grocery store carries for veggies at this time of year. And when I saw big heads of snowy-white cauliflower recently, I had to buy some.

You probably hear me say this a lot about many different veggies, but I love cauliflower — especially roasted. The kids? They can be a bit of a harder sell. But when I tossed the florets from this head with garlic, parsley and oil, they were all over it, and asking for more. I think that’s a good indication of how tasty it was.

Roasting cauliflower brings out a wonderful, subtle sweetness. It’s amazing. Though I have no problem with boiled cauliflower (one of the few veggies I can say that about), roasting it is just so, so better. Have you tried it? You should.

And given the kids’ reactions, I guess I am not the only cauliflower fan here anymore.

Yield: 4 servings

Garlic and Parsley Roasted Cauliflower

Garlic and Parsley Roasted Cauliflower
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • 4 cloves garlic, , minced
  • 2 tbsp fresh minced parsley
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 head cauliflower, , broken into florets (about 1 inch big)
  • salt and pepper, , to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the garlic, parsley and olive oil. Combine the cauliflower and garlic mixture in a resealable bag and shake vigorously to coat. Pour onto the prepared baking sheet.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes, stirring once. Remove from oven and serve.

Elizabeth P Cook

Wednesday 16th of November 2016

Excellent recipe! I too have never been a fan of cauliflower, but the garlic and parsley, along with roasting, make it delicious!! I checked it after 20 minutes in the oven and found it "just right", since we like our veggies crisp cooked.

Sarah Walker Caron

Wednesday 16th of November 2016

Thank you so much, Elizabeth! So glad you liked it!

Elizabeth P Cook

Wednesday 16th of November 2016

Excellent recipe! I too have never been a fan of cauliflower, but this recipe makes it yummy to eat!!

Maryea {Happy Healthy Mama}

Wednesday 16th of February 2011

Roasted cauliflower is a big favorite at our house. It looks great with garlic and parsley.


Wednesday 16th of February 2011

I bought a ton of cauliflower at the farmers market in an attempt to get us to eat more cauliflower. Except neither of us like cauliflower, so we just keep avoiding it. Maybe this recipe can turn us around.

Rivki Locker (Ordinary Blogger)

Wednesday 16th of February 2011

Roasted vegetables ROCK. I love that your kids enjoyed this recipe too. My kids vegetable repertoire consists mostly of tomatoes, peppers, and an occasional lettuce leaf. I will have to try this for them.

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