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Quick Homemade Taco Seasoning Recipe

Wondering how to make taco seasoning? This quick, homemade taco seasoning recipe uses common pantry ingredients for a great flavor.

A glass bowl of red-toned spices on a wooden surface with a wooden spoon in the background illustrate this quick homemade taco seasoning recipe

As I was making my coffee this morning, my daughter Paige emerged from her bedroom — bleary-eyed and yawning. Our beagle Scrappy, who is still recovering from his neck injury, had been barking protests to his aching body as he moved around, trying to get comfortable. It woke her.

“It’s still early. Don’t you want to go back to sleep?” I asked her, “Or do you want to come rest in my bed a bit?”

Minutes later, we were cuddled up in my bed, talking about the dark morning and busy coming day. I breathed in her sweet scent, listening as she talked about clouds and the day’s plans. Then, too soon, it was time to wake my son Will, prepare breakfast and start the morning rush.

It was all so normal — a welcome feeling these days.

Part of finding our new normal here is figuring out our new flow of things. We’re only three days into this, but a few things are already clear. The time frames of our day have been shifted. We now have to wake much earlier so Will can catch his much earlier bus to school. And the kids come home from school much later, making dinnertime and after school fun a little harder. Since homework, dinner and all else are now condensed into a short time frame, dinners have to be simple and fast. It makes life easier that way.

One of our favorite fast dinners is tacos — crunchy for the adults and soft for the kids. It’s a meal that we can agree on. Making them takes only about 15 minutes, and there is room for creativity with the toppings for them — like salsas, tomatoes, lettuce and more.

How to make taco seasoning

When it comes to taco seasoning, I’m a little more picky — and thus always make my own homemade taco seasoning. I love the rich, spiced flavor of homemade taco seasoning so much more than the store-bought version.

Making it is so easy too. With just four ingredients, all stirred together in a bowl, you can create the quickest, easiest homemade taco seasoning. And the flavor can’t be beat.

Plus, it’s totally customizable. If you want it a little spicier, add a little cayenne or chipotle pepper powder to the mix — but beware, a little goes a long way.

Yield: yields enough for 1-1.5 lbs ground meet

Quick Homemade Taco Seasoning

Quick Homemade Taco Seasoning
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 4 minutes


  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp Lawry's Roasted Garlic Salt
  • 1/2 tsp sweet Hungarian paprika
  • 1/2 tsp cumin


  1. Measure out ingredients and combine in a small whisk. Whisk gently to combine.
  2. To use: Brown 1 1/4 lbs ground beef, chicken or turkey. Drain. Add seasoning and 2/3 cup of water. Cook over medium heat until the liquid evaporates.

(This recipe is a slight variation of my Homemade Mild Taco Seasoning.)

Foodie San Diego

Sunday 20th of January 2013

This is great! It really looks quick and easy. Goodbye to take-away overly commercialized tacos! Which greens can be added for people who can't get by without veggies in their tacos?


Tuesday 8th of January 2013

My mom used to make us tacos from a packet which I am NEVER doing with my kids. homemade taco seasoning all the way! This sounds so great for a weeknight meal!

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