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Skinny Grilled Strawberry Banana Sundaes

This quick and easy recipe for Skinny Grilled Strawberry Banana Sundaes is sponsored by Yoplait®. All opinions are my own. Skinny Grilled Berry Sundae-4 One summer when I was a teenager, we lived with my grandfather. We’d sold our house in a small New York city and were in the process of moving to the country. The town my parents had chosen felt like a million miles from where I grew up. The high school was so tiny that they combined middle school and high school into one small building. Instead of neighbors you saw daily, you could literally go weeks without seeing anyone. It was private, secluded and different — and I was excited about trying life in a totally different place. That summer, I would stay up late every night — until the Late Late Show came on. It was then that I would write letters to my best friend, who’d just moved to Texas. Every night, I would recount my days to her. Thousands of miles away, she did the same. Then, I would wake up around noon (I was a teenager, after all), walk to the mailbox, and retrieve that day’s mail. I’d stick my envelope to her in and put up the flag to be retrieved the next morning before I woke. All summer, we were greeted with each others letters almost every day. We both anticipated the start of school in new surroundings, and wondered how different life would be in public school. We’d both attended Catholic elementary schools (me since the third grade, her forever) and Catholic high school. Thank goodness postage was a lot cheaper then. There was a lot to talk about and navel gaze over. What I remember most about that summer wasn’t the late nights. It wasn’t the excitement of shopping for clothes of my choosing (rather than negotiating uniform hem lengths). It wasn’t the new faces and surroundings that awaited us. What I remember most is the hope that blossomed every day when I woke and found more letters waiting for me. Those letters meant that though the miles separated us, our friendship could and would live on. Grilling fruit You can’t fake friendship like that. It’s been 18 years since that summer, but thanks to technology we’ve managed to stay in touch all these years. I wish I could say that we were still besties, but time and distance had its way with us and we’ve been sporadic at best about our communication. Still, looking back, that friendship remains a shining point of the youth — something that buoyed me through change, maturing and all that comes with becoming an adult. And I know that if we ever need each other, we’re still there … just as she was in the late sleepless nights I had last December. With a new school year looming, I feel a lot like I did that summer — caught between worlds, anticipating great change and hoping that the new school year brings all good things. Most of all, I am just a little anxious to get on with it. In the meantime though, I want to enjoy every last little bit of summertime. And I want the kids to as well. So, we are filling our days as much as we can. There’s laughter and water play and all the good things that come with summertime. Of course, that totally includes sundaes. What summer is complete without ice cream? But this mama needs to spend a little less time indulging and a little more time enjoying — guilt free. Thank goodness for low-guilt desserts … like this creamy, melty, fresh sundae. These Skinny Grilled Strawberry Banana Sundaes have all the great flavors and dimensions you want in a sundae — without the guilt. Strawberry Yoplait® Original Frozen Yogurt is topped with sweet, juicy grilled fruit. It’s a simple, quick and easy recipe to make — but totally doesn’t seem simple. Skinny Grilled Berry Sundae-3 Come on. You know you want to dig in.
Yield: 4 servings

Skinny Grilled Strawberry Banana Yoplait® Frozen Yogurt Sundaes

Skinny Grilled Strawberry Banana Yoplait® Frozen Yogurt Sundaes
Prep Time 4 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 2 firm bananas
  • 16 large strawberries, hulled
  • 1 Yoplait® Original Frozen Yogurt Strawberry Pint, or Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Strawberry Pint
  • Special: 4 skewers


  1. Heat your grill to its medium setting, or prepare charcoals for grilling.
  2. Using four skewers, skewer all the bananas and strawberries. Grill for 2-3 minutes per side, until softened. Grill marks are always welcome. Remove from the grill and use a fork to push the fruit off the skewers.
  3. To serve, divide the Yoplait® Frozen Yogurt evenly among four dishes and top with grilled strawberries and bananas.


If desired, fruit can be left on the skewers for serving. Whipped cream and toasted walnuts are great with this as well.

Disclosure: I was compensated for creating this recipe but all opinions are my own.

Josies @ Best Frozen Yogurt

Friday 16th of August 2013

Hi Sarah, Thank you for sharing such a delicious and yummy recipe with us. Love to eat. Keep sharing.

Sarah W. Caron

Friday 16th of August 2013

Thanks, Josie!

Consuelo @ Honey & Figs

Thursday 8th of August 2013

This looks like the perfect healthy summer treat, yum! x

Sarah W. Caron

Thursday 8th of August 2013

Thank you, Consuelo!!


Wednesday 7th of August 2013

Letter writing is such a lost art. I was just talking to my mother about it. I have a box full of letters from when my husband and I were dating and spent our first summer apart. We wrote each other every day. I don't think our kids will ever have that.

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