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Chicken Veggie Pita Pocket Sandwiches

In just 10 minutes, you can whip up this quick and easy recipe for Chicken Veggie Pita Pocket Sandwiches. They have a creamy ricotta-pesto mixture that makes them extra special. This recipe was created for my client Green Giant but all opinions are my own.

Over the weekend, Maine — well, most of Maine, I have a few friends who were spared the storm — was blanketed in that white stuff — heavy, wet snow. Power was knocked out to more than 100,000 customers throughout the state. It was messy, slippery and just too soon (even for the true Mainahs I work with). And while we did lose power for about 20 hours, there are people still without who are entering day three of the storm aftermath.

I know what that’s like. And it’s not fun, exciting or easy.

Chicken Veggie Pita Pockets
November snow is not fun. But quick and easy dinner recipes are fun.

After a series of storms hit Connecticut in 2011 and 2012, we lost power for long stretches following each one: Irene, the freak Halloween snowstorm and Sandy. Following the first storm, we bought a generator and by the third storm we’d learned how to deal so seamlessly that I didn’t miss a beat cooking hot meals on a generator-powered hot plate and working via flashlight on my laptop with the generator powering our internet. So when this storm hit, I was mentally prepared. I don’t have the generator anymore but the lessons of the last few years still provided.

The flashlights are kept together in a tub at the foot of the basement stairs, the candles are decoratively placed in easy to locate places. And the lighter is tucked away in the same kitchen island drawer it resided in back in Connecticut. I didn’t open our fridge once. And I used daylight hours to do as much as I could so that when darkness fell, I would feel accomplished enough to sit down and read by candlelight. The only moment of concern I had was when I realized my newspaper column might not get done without power but fortunately my power was restored shortly thereafter.

I worry about people who haven’t gone days and days without power before. For them, going on day three can be scary — like there is no end in sight.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: I live in Maine … isn’t this just like any other Maine snowstorm? Aren’t these people used to it? Honestly, at first I thought the same thing. But then I realized something very important: Whether you are in Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey or somewhere else, early November snowstorms aren’t normal and they are different — even from the ones we will endure all winter. The temperatures haven’t yet dropped that much so the heavy wet snow drags down power lines and clogs snow-blowers. With leaves still on the trees, it also bends and snaps branches and brings whole trees down. You have conditions that can result in widespread power loss, difficult cleanups and closely repairs.

Yes, Maine gets a lot of snow. But November snow is never normal.

Chicken Veggie Pita Pockets Sandwich

Still, life goes on. So even without power, the kids and I dressed yesterday and brushed our teeth (yay for city water!). I tossed on a backwards baseball cap and just got to work. Later, as the day came to a close, I was happy to head home to our warm, powered house and cook a quick and easy warm dinner. Although we’d been home earlier in the day and realized that power was back, coming home to lights and working appliances was a blessing after a long busy day.

I hope our neighbors without power gets theirs back soon too. As far as quick and easy meals after a long day, this recipe for Chicken Veggie Pita Pocket Sandwiches is perfect. A pesto-ricotta mixture gives big flavor to these warm sandwiches contained within a pita pocket. And since they are ready in about 10 minutes, they are perfect for the busiest of days.

Yield: 4 servings

Chicken Veggie Pita Pockets

Chicken Veggie Pita Pockets


  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 2 tbsp basil pesto
  • 1 pouch Green Giant Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli
  • 4 pita breads, sliced in half
  • 8 oz. sliced cooked chicken breast
  • 1 cup fresh diced tomato


  1. In a small bowl, whisk together the ricotta cheese and basil pesto until fully combined.
  2. Cook the Green Giant Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli, per package directions.
  3. Spread a thin layer of pesto ricotta in each of the pita breads. Fill each pita half with 1/8 of the chicken, broccoli and tomato.
  4. Enjoy immediately.

Disclosure: I was compensated for creating this recipe but all opinions are my own.


Tuesday 4th of November 2014

I'm kind of jealous of your perfect pitas. Mine always rip when opening.

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