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Nectarine Burrata Salad Recipe

Layers of creamy, savory, sweet and tanginess make this easy Nectarine Burrata Salad recipe a winner. And it looks so impressive too.

For many foods, I can tell you exactly when and where I first experienced them. Fresh mozzarella was an impulse purchase in a Manhattan grocery store during my first semester of college. I soon tried the smoked version as well — which was really popular in the late 90s — but didn’t love it as much.

Sushi came from a grocery store counter near Union Square in Manhattan and was eaten in a store breakroom. I was working at Circuit City, and was cajoled into trying it by a well-meaning co-worker. Another co-worker declared the introduction a travesty and insisted that we go to the good sushi bar soon after.

Caviar was sampled in the kitchen of a Central Park West apartment, where I had been hired to help serve at parties. A perfect new potato with a dollop of creme fraiche and a dribble of caviar was a mind-blowing experience.

But burrata? I can’t recall. I know it was not long before moving to Maine some nine years ago. I know that it was so good that I arrived in Maine craving it and couldn’t locate it. And I know that when I finally did, it didn’t live up to my memory — though I suspect that had to do with the age of the burrata, which hadn’t yet gained popularity here.

Regardless, I didn’t have burrata again until last summer when I ordered a farro bowl that featured it alongside a variety of vegetables and a lovely peanut sauce. It was divine and it re-sparked my interest in the cheese. Since then, I have been seeking it out and playing with it — topping crostini and bruschetta with it and dreaming of all the ways I would like to utilize it.

Burrata is an Italian cheese that consists of a fresh mozzarella exterior and a creamy interior. It’s served on salads and in dishes like the farro bowl I had. I’ve also seen it recommended for topping pizza and even chicken parm.

It’s also a cheese that tears apart super easily, which is exactly how I’ve used it in this recipe. This allows that creamy center and soft, fresh outside to meld with the other flavors better.

This easy Nectarine Burrata Salad recipe combines salty prosciutto with creamy burrata, bright tomatoes and sweet-tart nectarines. Dressed with good olive oil and balsamic vinegar, it’s delightfully refreshing for summer without feeling heavy (despite the cheese and cured meat).

Begin with a bed of lettuce. I use and recommend mesclun greens. But you could substitute torn Bibb or Butter lettuce, if you desire. Just avoid any firmer lettuce like iceberg or romaine, which would take the attention away from the remainder of the salad toppings.

I love serving this on a big platter — it’s just so beautiful.

If you haven’t tried burrata yet, now’s the time. It’s having a moment in American cuisine so you can find it featured on menus and in creative dishes. Or pick some up, as I did, and play with it at home. Either way, you will get to experience something divine.

I hope you love it as much as I do.

Yield: 4 servings

Nectarine Burrata Salad

Nectarine Burrata Salad

Layers of creamy, savory, sweet and tanginess make this easy Nectarine Burrata Salad recipe a winner. And it looks so impressive too.

Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 4 cups mesclun greens
  • 1 nectarine, cut into chunks (about 1/2 to 1-inch)
  • 1/2 cup grape tomatoes, halved
  • 1 ball burrata cheese, torn into pieces
  • 3 oz thinly sliced prosciutto, torn into pieces
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon good balsamic vinegar or balsamic glaze
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  1. On a large platter, arrange the mesclun greens all over, spreading them out.
  2. Sprinkle the nectarines and grape tomatoes evenly over the greens.
  3. Drop the burrata cheese pieces all over, taking care to spread them out.
  4. Nestle the prosciutto pieces between ingredients all over the salad.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with a pinch or two of salt and pepper.
  6. Serve immediately.

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