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10-Minute Salsa Chicken

Thinly sliced chicken breasts are cooked to tender and then smothered with salsa and cheddar cheese in this 10-Minute Salsa Chicken recipe.

Salsa Chicken recipe

Of course, I knew it was a school day for Will the other day, but I felt like there was still plenty of time before the rush and routine of getting ready to go. I was sitting on the couch, Will on my lap, watching something forgettable when it struck me: It was nearing noon and he needed to eat lunch and be out the door. Paige was still napping peacefully.

I just didn’t realize we were running late until we were.

Off to the kitchen, I went.

Knowing I only had minutes to cook and feed him, I needed something that would cook in no time and would taste so good that he’d eat it quickly.

This recipe for 10-Minute Salsa Chicken totally fit the bill.

Making this is a quick and easy endeavor. I took a chicken breast and cut it into two thin cutlets. Olive oil swirled into the pan to heat. Salt and pepper were sprinkled liberally on the chicken.

When the chicken was cooking in the large stainless steel skillet that I decided to add some salsa to the mix. And cheese, because everything is better with cheese.

It was ready in minutes.

And yes, he gobbled it down as anticipated.

Yield: 4 servings

10-Minute Salsa Chicken

10-Minute Salsa Chicken
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes


  • 1 tbsp olive oil, I prefer extra light for this
  • 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken
  • 6 tbsp salsa, divided
  • 6 tbsp extra sharp cheddar, divided


  1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Wash the chicken and slice into two thin cutlets. Salt and pepper liberally.
  2. Add the chicken to the pan and cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side until cooked through. Place 1 tbsp of salsa on each piece and spread it along the length of the chicken. Cover and cook for 1 minute.
  3. Remove the cover and sprinkle each chicken piece with 1 tbsp cheddar cheese. Cook and cook for 1 additional minutes until melted.
  4. Serve.


- As pictured: Served with avocado cream. To make: peel one avocado and remove pit. Place in a food processor. Add 1 tbsp lime juice and salt and pepper to taste. Puree. Serves 2.

- Alternative suggestions: You can also serve this over rice or on a roll as a sandwich.


Day One « Counting on Fit

Wednesday 8th of July 2009

[...] Dinner: 10 Minute Salsa Chicken [...]

Review: Luna di Luna Pink Merlot

Thursday 23rd of October 2008

[...] GOOD: We had this wine with slightly spicy Salsa Chicken, and the flavors didn’t clash in the least. They didn’t even clash when we threw some [...]

The $7 Dinner Challenge: Week 2 | Sarah’s Cucina Bella :: Family Food

Tuesday 21st of October 2008

[...] 10-Minute Salsa Chicken with Avocado Cream and Rice Think Pink Strawberry Jello [...]


Tuesday 21st of October 2008

Mmmmmmm! So simple AND elegant!


Tuesday 21st of October 2008

The chicken looks great but you had me at the avocado. I think I could eat guacamole with a spoon...I mean, you know, if people did that. :)

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