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English Pea Risotto Recipe

It’s been pretty warm during the day over the last few days. Still, I am holding vigilantly to my vow of no air conditioning this summer. And really, when it comes down to it and you just accept that this is what summer feels like, it’s not that bad. Really. I am used to it.

So, despite the heat, I just couldn’t resist making one more perfect risotto dish. The creaminess! The fresh herbs! The sweet, tender peas (because fresh English peas are the only peas to eat … seriously)! It was worth every second of slaving over a hot stove.

A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do …

Yield: 4 servings

English Pea Risotto Recipe

English Pea Risotto Recipe


  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, , minced
  • 1 cup Arborio rice
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 4 cups chicken broth or stock
  • salt and pepper, , to taste
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh thyme
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Romano cheese
  • 1 cup shelled and cooked fresh English peas


  1. In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and cook for one minute, stirring frequently. Stir in the rice and let toast for one minute. Pour in the wine and stir. Allow the wine to fully absorb into the rice.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the chicken broth in a pan to warm over low heat. Once the wine is absorbed into the rice, begin adding it to the rice mixture one ladle at a time. Allow the broth to be fully absorbed into the rice after each edition (you’ll hear a sizzle when its all absorbed). Be patient. Part of making risotto is waiting for it … and it’s totally worth the wait. All in all, this will take about 25 minutes.
  3. Once all of the broth has been added and absorbed, stir in salt and pepper, the thyme, parsley, cheese and peas. Remove from heat and serve immediately.


Friday 31st of July 2009

my fiance loves rice and pea medleys but never tried risoto before. I cant wait to make this for us! Thanks for another great recipe!


Wednesday 29th of July 2009

I started with water bath canning for jams and fruits, and then did pickled veg/cucumbers in the canner.... and last night ventured into pressure canning. I think it is extremely scary at first, but after obsessively re-reading the instructions, guides online, and waiting for a long time until I felt I was actually able to follow those instructions, it was done! The canner I have came with a booklet of instructions, common problems/solutions, and even recipes for different veg. It takes longer than a water bath in most instances, and I don't know how the product tastes yet, but I'm glad to have it available. I'm still nervous though - and I bet it'll take me another round of courage in the winter to eat my canned veg for the first time, lol.

Virtual Frolic

Wednesday 29th of July 2009

sigh, yet another tasty looking risotto..come fall/winter, I will be stirring up a storm :)

Sarah Caron

Tuesday 28th of July 2009

Mangochild, thanks!!! I was reading on your blog earlier about your canning activities. Do you use a pressure canner? I have only done water bath canning ... is pressure canning a challenge?

Cate, if you were my neighbor .... ;)

Zoe, I LOVE risotto served cold. It's one of the few rice dishes that really holds up well to refrigeration. I totally recommend eating leftovers cold.

zoe p.

Tuesday 28th of July 2009

We brought out the box fans last night!

And I'm trying to get some cooking done early in the day, so I cool off by dinnertime! I feel like this is a dish I could actually eat cold the next day? Not instead of eating it hot, but in addition?

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