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Grilled Pole Beans Recipe

Grilled Pole Beans

It was a rare occasion the other day: I headed off to the local organic farmers market without any children in tow.

That meant I could meander around and take things slow while I shopped for vegetables for dinner, something for lunch and a few things to add to an extra special gift basket I am planning for someone. I could ponder over the local oils and gaze at the varieties of artisan bread.

It was blissful.

I might have skipped a little on my way in. Maybe.

And it was because my attention was totally focused on the task at hand — shopping — that I was able to eavesdrop and learn that the two side by side containers of beans were, in fact, two different types — green beans and pole beans.

Pole beans are long (twice as long as a green bean) beans with more pronounced beans inside. They are a little thicker and tougher than their green bean counterparts. I was intrigued and couldn’t wait to give them a shot. So, on the recommendation of Patrick from Waldingfield Farm, I marinated and cooked the beans up on the grill.

The result? Really good. Super good.

We ate these beans that night with burgers in place of fries, and they were a perfect fit.

Yield: 4 servings

Grilled Pole Beans Recipe

Grilled Pole Beans
Prep Time 3 hours
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 3 hours 20 minutes


  • 1 lb pole beans, washed
  • 3/4 cup marinade, I used an herb and garlic marinade, but Italian dressing would be a good fit too


  1. Pour the dressing over the beans and let marinate, tossing periodically, for 2-3 hours.
  2. Heat the grill to medium and toss the beans on in a heap, discarding any excess marinade. Cook for 20 minutes or so, until crisp tender and lightly browned.


Wednesday 15th of June 2011

I grew up on pole beans from my grandmothers garden but never had them grilled . Trying it tonight

Balsamic Roasted Green Beans | Sarah’s Cucina Bella :: Family Food

Tuesday 13th of April 2010

[...] the course of thinking, I remembered the Grilled Pole Beans that I was gaga for last summer. I still am … can’t wait for those babies to be in [...]


Friday 31st of July 2009

I just recently started grilling all sorts of veggies. I wouldn't have thought to put these on the grill. Looks yummy!

Cate O'Malley

Thursday 30th of July 2009

I've never heard of pole beans before - will definitely be keeping an eye out for them now.

zoe p.

Thursday 30th of July 2009

I love the idea of garlicky beans instead of fries.

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