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Bacon and Bell Pepper Breakfast Quesadilla

Filled with eggs, cheese, bacon and bell pepper, this breakfast quesadilla recipe is something the whole family will love.

Bacon and Bell Pepper Breakfast Quesadilla

If Will had his way, we’d eat Blueberry and White Chocolate Buttermilk Pancakes every single morning. Actually, scratch the ‘we’ — he’d eat the whole batch himself every day.

Not that I can blame him … those pancakes are delish.

But could we really eat pancakes daily? My schedule and waistline say no way, so I try to mix it up with easier options (yogurt, fruit and toast, scrambled eggs) and some alternative more-involved dishes (French toast, waffles, homemade muffins).

And, of course, delicious but easy breakfasts like this Bacon and Bell Pepper Breakfast Quesadilla recipe. If you like quesadillas, then you’ll dig this morning version. Packed with eggs, cheese and veggies, these are hearty but not heavy — a good combination. Serve these with salsa, sour cream or guacamole for dipping … and everyone will love it.

Want to make these weekday friendly? Whip up a batch of breakfast quesadillas on the weekend and just heat them up. You could even freeze some individually for later. Things like that make weekday mornings a little more tasty — and easy too.

What’s your family’s favorite breakfast?

Yield: 4 servings

Bacon and Bell Pepper Breakfast Quesadilla

Bacon and Bell Pepper Breakfast Quesadilla


  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/2 cup diced green pepper, (dice it small)
  • 2 eggs, (beaten with a dash of milk and a sprinkle of salt and pepper)
  • butter
  • 4 tortillas
  • 2 strips bacon, (cooked and drained on paper towels)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese


  1. Heat the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add the peppers and cook until softened. Pour in the beaten eggs and scramble, tossing together with the peppers. Remove from heat.
  2. Working quickly, heat a large skillet over just-under medium heat. Butter one side of each of the tortillas. Flip over and divide the egg mixture evenly among the four tortillas (spread it onto half of the unbuttered side -- I do this directly in the pan). Sprinkle 1/2 slice of crumbled bacon onto each tortilla. Top with 1/4 cup of cheddar.
  3. Fold the empty half of the tortilla over and cook until browned on both sides, flipping ones.
  4. Cut into wedges and serve.


Monday 28th of September 2009

these look so good! i have tons of tortillas and cheese left from when i made enchiladas the other night, so i will have to make these tomorro!


Monday 28th of September 2009

Sounds good. I was craving eggs like CRAZY this morning so I might make this tomorrow. Even though I'm "supposed" to be fasting tomorrow but eh, I'm perfect, no reason to atone :)

Sarah Caron

Monday 28th of September 2009

Maris, I want to make these again so badly! Of course, I am out of cheese ... and tortillas. :)

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