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Balsamic Roasted Green Beans Recipe

When it comes to veggies, my family loves pretty much anything roasted. Roasting brings out so many wonderful flavors that can be lost or watered down with steaming or boiling.

So, recently when I was talking about that with someone an idea popped into my head: what about green beans?

Green beans are like the last hold-out. It’s a veggie that still is typically boiled or steamed and seldom done much more with. Sure, some people stir-fry cooked ones, but there has to be more, right? Of course! So, why not roast them?

In the course of thinking, I remembered the Grilled Pole Beans that I was gaga for last summer. I still am … can’t wait for those babies to be in season again. Anyway, couldn’t a similar idea of flavoring also work for green beans? That’s how I came to a balsamic-olive oil combination.

After testing this a few times, I can tell you that I adore these beans. They are a little tangy and a teensy bit sweet (from the balsamic), with a nice crunch. Unlike other vegetables, roasting doesn’t bring out any sweetness in green beans (face it, they don’t have any!), but it does provide a nice, deep flavor.

As for the kids and Shawn? Paige likes them. Will sucked his down so fast I had to do a double-take. And Shawn? He claims they are a little more tangy than he likes, though he ate all of his too … I’d say it’s a win here.

Of course, I love them.

What’s your favorite vegetable to roast? Me? Sweet potatoes!

Yield: 4 servings

Balsamic Roasted Green Beans

Balsamic Roasted Green Beans
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes


  • 2 cups fresh-frozen green beans, uncooked ones that are flash frozen while they are fresh
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • sea salt
  • pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. Spread the green beans on the aluminum foil. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Use a wooden spoon to stir gently. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  3. Roast the green beans in the oven for 15 minutes or so, until lightly browned at the edges. Serve.

Sarah Caron

Wednesday 10th of November 2010

That's awesome to hear, Eileen. Thanks! Something similar happened to me. I made the mistake of freezing squash and zucchini without blanching this summer -- but it still works great in soups, breads, etc.


Wednesday 10th of November 2010

Thanks for this recipe. It's simple & delicious. I made the mistake of freezing green beans this summer without blanching them first. They lost a lot of their flavor, and this recipe brings them back!

Easy Roasted Balsamic Green Beans — Oh She Glows

Tuesday 27th of July 2010

[...] Adapted from Sarah’s Cucina Bella. [...]


Sunday 25th of July 2010

Yum I think I might make these!


Thursday 15th of April 2010

Love these! What a great way to add a little pizazz to a weekday meal. .-= akmoni´s last blog ..Free Enterprise Video Contest =-.

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