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Avocado Basil Rice with Tomatoes

If I had to describe this Avocado Basil Rice with Tomatoes in just five words, they’d be creamy, bright, fresh, tender and satisfying.

It’s unexpected — a very green rice, dotted with red tomatoes – but absolutely delicious. It’s a soothing mix of flavors and textures.

This rice dish combines the flavors of mild guacamole with tender, warm rice. It’s a perfect side dish for spicy foods and bloody steaks.

I came up with this one afternoon while sitting on the beach, contemplating dinner. We were having steak with a chipotle honey sauce, and I wanted something that could stand up to those flavors. This was totally it.

What made this even better for me was that it took about 10 minutes to make. I used Trader Joe’s frozen Jasmine Rice, and did everything else from scratch. Easy peasy.

When dinner is late to hit the table (it was) and you don’t feel like spending a long time in the kitchen (I didn’t), then a dish like this is a blessing.

Yield: 8 servings

Avocado-Basil Rice with Tomatoes

Avocado-Basil Rice with Tomatoes


  • 2 ripe Hass avocados, , pitted and peeled
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 cup fresh basil, , finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, , minced
  • salt and pepper, , to taste
  • 1 medium tomato, , diced
  • 4 cups cooked white rice


  1. In a large mixing bowl, mash the avocado with the prongs of a fork. Stir in the lemon juice, basil, garlic, salt and pepper and tomato.
  2. Pour the hot white rice into the bowl and stir well to combine. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed.
  3. Serve immediately.

Lulu Hall

Friday 1st of December 2023

Used dried basil because that's all we had. This is super yummy. Gluten free and vegan. Yum!

Sarah Walker Caron

Monday 4th of December 2023

So glad you liked it!


Thursday 22nd of July 2021

You’re a genius! This became my favorite thing to eat whenever I have leftover rice. ❤️

Sarah Walker Caron

Tuesday 3rd of August 2021

So glad you like it too!


Thursday 7th of July 2011

I'm familiar with cilantro rice, but I've never seen avocado rice before!


Thursday 7th of July 2011

This looks great! Not usually a rice fan but this sounds yummy...and something about the green makes it fun!


Wednesday 6th of July 2011

Hmm, I'm thinking I'll have to try this with cilantro instead of basil for our next taco night! It sounds amazing and I love anything with avocados! :)

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