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Tomato, Peach and Basil Salad

The gravel crunches under the tires as I pull up to the farm where I belong to a CSA program (a CSA is basically a share in a farm’s harvest; I receive a box of veggies and fruit every week in the summer). It’s this grabble-grabble sound that almost sounds like it’s talking to you, welcoming you as you enter.

When I get close the fields come into view. Rows of cabbage, kale and other veggies run perpendicular to the driveway, sometimes dotted with flowers for bouquets. I park under a sign that declares “Customer Parking,” although the parking lot is exclusive to the farm.

On days like today, I see my cousin’s little boys following their father around the fields, wanting to be like him and help. It’s so sweet to watch, my favorite little farm boys. They have this amazing life spend playing outside at the farm. It almost makes me wish I was 3 again.

The boys follow me to the CSA pick-up area, asking about Will and Paige and telling me about their mom being under the weather. I love them.

When I glance into the basket, I see the tomatoes first — a pint of sweet, fresh tomatoes ready to be enjoyed. They’re perfect for dinner. But what should I do with them? That’s the real question.

I take my share home, dice the tomatoes and toss them with fresh diced peaches, chopped basil, a little balsamic vinegar and salt. It’s so simple, but so good. A flash of summertime, filled with the season’s best sweet and savory flavors. The kids eat every bit I give them. And me? I go back for seconds, a rare indulgence. The salad walks the line between sweet and savory perfectly.

Have you had fresh vine-grown tomatoes this season? How were they?

Yield: 4 servings

Tomato, Peach and Basil Salad

Tomato, Peach and Basil Salad
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 1 1/2 cups diced fresh tomatoes
  • 1 cup diced fresh peaches, (about 2)
  • 10 basil leaves, , sliced
  • 1 tsp good-quality balsamic vinegar
  • sea salt


  1. In a small to medium mixing bowl, stir together the tomatoes, peaches and basil leaves. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and season with salt. Stir again.
  2. Serve immediately, or chill until read to serve. Add a little extra sprinkling of salt when you serve it up.


Monday 15th of August 2011

Nice. I like this but for me pieces are smaller. This way i mix the ingredients in my mouth :) Just a preference - this is good in any shape.


Friday 12th of August 2011

I love the way you said "The salad walks the line between sweet and savory perfectly." The salad indeed looks like a nice indulgence :)


Thursday 11th of August 2011

Have you ever added mint to this, sounds like its great as is but I bet mint would take it to the next level.


Thursday 11th of August 2011

I haven't but that sounds like it could be good too!


Thursday 11th of August 2011

Love combining tomatoes with fruit.

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