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Roasted Garlic, Lemon and Walnut Hummus

Every so often, we’ll be eating dinner at our kitchen table and Will will look up and say “Mommy, you’re a good cooker.” It warms my heart. Most of the time, he loves what I make (of course, there will always be a few duds … and we usually agree on those).

A lot of things that come out of my kitchen are made with the kids in mind. Two Cheese Meatball Grilled Cheese, Sausage Bolognese, Blueberry White Chocolate Buttermilk Pancakes and Cocoa Peppermint Thumbprint Cookies are prime examples. We eat a lot of pasta and broccoli and yogurt because they love these things. And eggs, Paige is crazy for all kinds of eggs.

But as a mom, I think it’s important to do things for yourself sometimes too. A woman I met online a few years ago used to always sign notes “Take care of you.” At the time, Will was in preschool and Paige was still a toddler. The sentiment was lost on me, probably because I was so busy taking care of them. But now, I totally get it. You can’t get lost in the shuffle. And sometimes all it takes is whipping up a simple hummus to do something nice for yourself, especially if you are a mega-fan of hummus like me.

Yes, Will and Paige would love the sweet roasted garlic, tart lemon and meaty walnuts in this tahini-free hummus. It has a terrific citrus quality that’s complemented by the garlic and walnuts.

Such great flavors together.

Will and Paige would happily reach for the sweetest of the veggies on the plate and scoop up big globs of hummus. But this one is for me … just for me. I like to load up a plate with bell pepper strips, sugar snap peas and carrots for dipping with a good hummus like this. It’s a perfect lunch. Or snack.

Maybe I’ll share another day. But today, this is mine.

What have you done for yourself lately?

Now … onto Eat. Live. Be. Reboot. Over the weekend, I wrote a scathing note to myself that I thought I might run as a confessional ELB post today. It was brutally honest and raw, as I took a microscope to my own habits and behaviors. It was one of those times where I just had to lay bare the truth and digest it so that I could move ahead. You’re probably pretty curious about it now, and I don’t blame you. But I probably won’t share it. At least not now.

The thing about being that honest and that rough with myself? It was more of a private letter to myself — a personal wake-up call that I desperately needed. The gist of what I wrote is that while I have been talking about motivation and making healthier choices since early December, I haven’t been walking the walk. I’ve been failing myself, my family and you. So this week, I aimed to change things around. I’m letting my actions speak, not just my words.

It’s amazing how when you make changes, they can so quickly move you back in the right direction. I’ve fixed my eating habits — eating more fruits, veggies and healthy fats. It’s only been a few days, but I already feel worlds better. And I started to exercise again. My goal for this week is to exercise three times. So far, I have done two workouts — with one more to complete by Friday. The energized feeling that comes with those workouts is irresistible. I am just sad that I neglected it for so long.

But realistically, it’s only been a few days. I have a lot more work before I can declare this a victory. The good news is that I am ready for that work.

Be sure to pop in on Cate, Patsy and Joanne to see what they’re writing about this ELB Wednesday.

Now, are you ready for some hummus?

Yield: 8 servings

Roasted Garlic, Lemon and Walnut Hummus

Roasted Garlic, Lemon and Walnut Hummus
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 1 15- oz can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced and zested
  • 5 cloves roasted garlic
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • salt, to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process until ultra-smooth. Season with salt, to taste. Serve with veggies or crackers for dipping.
  2. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.
  3. Optional: Dress your hummus up with a drizzle of walnut oil and a sprinkle of crushed red pepper.

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking

Sunday 15th of January 2012

Oh this hummus looks so delicious!!


Tuesday 17th of January 2012

Thanks, Alicia!

Dana @ Cooking at Cafe D

Sunday 15th of January 2012

So fresh. So healthy. Love it.

Please considering sharing this at our FREE-FOR-ALL! (It's still open.) I'd love more people to find Eat. Live. Be.

All the best,


Friday 13th of January 2012

December was rough for me, too... I managed a handfull of workouts and wasn't really as committed to eating healthy as I should have been. A bit of a cookie here, another sample of dessert there... and no progress whatsoever! But, once I got serious (really the week before NYE) I felt better almost immediately!


Friday 13th of January 2012

I love the phrase "good cooker." I'm sure I've used it myself years ago.


Friday 13th of January 2012

I know ... Totally don't have the heart to correct that one either. Too cute.


Thursday 12th of January 2012

First of all, you could never let us down. Ever. So don't worry about that.

Second of all, I totally felt this same way for ALL of November and a good part of December. I woudl eat well for a few days then totally fall off and let myself go for the second half of the week. It was awful. And I felt awful. But I feel like I have more of a grip now. And I'm so glad you do too! I think we all have a breaking point. We just need to realize it when it's there.

So many moms forget they need to take care of themselves in order to be better for their kids. My mom definitely did it and I think it's so hard not to, but also so important not to. GO YOU for realizing it!


Friday 13th of January 2012

Really? I had no idea! It's so nice to hear that I am not alone. Also. Thanks!

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