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Pasta with Zesty Sausage Tomato Cream Sauce

Sweet Italian sausage stars in this zippy, creamy Pasta with Zesty Sausage Tomato Cream Sauce recipe.

Pasta with Sausage Tomato Cream Sauce

Quotes and affirmations have materialized all over my house.

It began with one — “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away,” — which I purchased after the death of a friend a few years ago. But in the last year, it’s been joined by a saying about choosing love that hangs in the hallway, a “Share” sign in the bathroom and three signs in my bedroom — including “Keep It Real,” on my desk as a reminder for my writing.

But the one that I see and take notice of every day is something a dear friend told me awhile back when life was changing at a rapid clip: “Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone.”

At the time I was scared and uncertain. I wasn’t sure about much — except that I wanted more from life. So I leapt, and hoped the net would appear.

It did.

Living outside my comfort zone has been my motto for the last year as I’ve done things I never thought I would — from the move to attending events that I wouldn’t have considered before. And life is better for it. My kids and I do, see and experience so much more.

This also applies to my cooking. In the kitchen, I try to avoid cooking the same things over and over again. While the comfort of familiar dishes — like tacos and meatballs — is great and necessary. It’s experimenting, trying new things and rethinking what we’re eating that makes dinnertime more fun. Well, for me at least.

So when I plan our meals for the week, I try to intersperse favorites with new ideas … like this recipe for Pasta with Zesty Sausage Tomato Cream Sauce.

Sausage Tomato Cream Sauce

This creamy tomato based sauce has a hint of spice to it, thanks to a pinch or two of crushed red pepper. It’s hearty and slightly sweet, and perfect over thicker cuts of pasta, which can hold the sauce well. It’s also a quick and easy recipe — ready in about 35 minutes.

Of course, I can’t always please everyone. And that’s the thing about living outside your comfort zone — both in the kitchen and out — when you do, sometimes some people won’t like what you do or create. They can — because we all have the ability to choose our likes and dislikes.

In this case, Will loved the sauce. He’s requested it for his lunchbox and wants me to make it again. I really liked it too. But Paige? She wasn’t so into it. “Stick to meat sauce,” she told me. She’d prefer her sauce hearty and without any notes of spice — one of her favorite comfort foods. Maybe next time.

Yield: 4 servings

Pasta with Sausage Tomato Cream Sauce

Pasta with Sausage Tomato Cream Sauce
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 1/2 lb loose sweet Italian sausage
  • 2 shallots, , chopped
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, , minced
  • 1 28- oz can crushed tomatoes
  • salt and pepper, , to taste
  • 1-2 pinches crushed red pepper
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 lb pasta, , prepared


  1. In a large saute pan set over medium heat, brown the sausage, breaking it apart as you go. Drain excess grease, if needed.
  2. Add the shallots and garlic to the saute pan and stir. Cook until soft -- 2-3 minutes.
  3. Pour the crushed tomatoes into the saute pan and stir well. Season gently with salt and pepper and add the crushed pepper. Cover, reduce hear to low, and simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the lid from the pan and stir in the heavy cream. Adjust seasonings as desired.
  5. Serve immediately over pasta. If desired, finish with a sprinkle of freshly grated parmesan cheese.

Colleen (Souffle Bombay)c

Thursday 10th of September 2015

Ummppffhh! My mouth is watering...filling up at the thought of this sauce. I am a sucker for a tomato-cream sauce! Looks delicious!!

Rose | The Clean Dish

Wednesday 9th of September 2015

It's so inspiring to hear that you took a leap of faith and succeeded! We should all get outside our comfort zones more often! This pasta dish looks incredibly tasty. I love how simple it is and the short list of ingredients!

Nancy | The Bitter Side of Sweet

Wednesday 9th of September 2015

We have that same quote in our house but it is around picture frame and has all the kids pictures in it. It reminds me of live with them. Being in the kitchen with them also helps create memories for us. Pasta is such a staple in our house and this looks amazing!

Martha @ A Family Feast

Wednesday 9th of September 2015

You've inspired me - so glad that you and your entire family are feeling good about all of the new things in your life! And the other good thing - this pasta dish! YUM! :-)

Michelle @ The Complete Savorist

Wednesday 9th of September 2015

I too have a thing for quotes. I have several in my home as well. I truly love the Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away, and the comfort zone one. The kitchen has been a place for me to get out of my own comfort zone as well. This looks like something I would just eat straight out of the pan.

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