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Garlic Scape Risotto Recipe

Garlic scapes lend a pleasant, mild garlickiness to this creamy Garlic Scape Risotto recipe. Cooking it slowly and adding the liquid a little at a time transforms arborio rice into this creamy dish.

A friend saw the above picture of Garlic Scape Risotto on my Flickr feed and sent me a note saying that I am torturing her with risotto since she ate the Creamy Artichoke and Herb Risotto recipe one I wrote about recently and loved it.

Honestly, I have been a little obsessed with risotto lately.

With the cool start to summer, this creamy, magnificent comfort food just warms you from the inside out with rich, bone-coating goodness. So, when I noticed that I had some garlic scapes begging to be used, I wanted to try them in a risotto recipe.

This risotto recipe begins with chopped garlic scapes cooked in oil. They’re joined by arborio rice, which is traditionally used to make risotto. Then white wine soaks into the rice followed by chicken broth. The slow cooking method where liquid is added a little at a time results in the creaminess of the rice dish.

The result is a heavenly, hearty risotto dish with a mild garlicky-ness to it. It won’t overpower your senses, but rather tickle them just a bit. Mmm.

As far as garlic scapes recipes go, this is a must-make.

Yield: 4 servings

Garlic Scape Risotto

Garlic Scape Risotto

Garlic scapes lend a pleasant, mild garlickiness to this creamy Garlic Scape Risotto recipe.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes


  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chopped garlic scapes, cut into 1/4 inch rounds
  • 1 cup Arborio rice
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 4 cups chicken broth or stock
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh sage
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Romano cheese


  1. In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic scapes and cook, stirring occasionally, for five minutes. Stir in the rice and let toast for one minute. Pour in the wine and stir. Allow the wine to fully absorb into the rice.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the chicken broth in a pan to warm over low heat. Once the wine is absorbed into the rice, begin adding it to the rice mixture one ladle at a time. Allow the broth to be fully absorbed into the rice after each edition (you’ll hear a sizzle when its all absorbed). Be patient. Part of making risotto is waiting for it ... and it's totally worth the wait. All in all, this will take about 25 minutes.
  3. Once all of the broth has been added and absorbed, stir in salt and pepper, the sage and the cheese. Cover and cook for 2-3 more minutes. Remove from heat and serve immediately.


Tuesday 2nd of July 2024

I don't understand what "1/2 chopped garlic scapes, cut into 1/4 inch rounds" means. Is it a typo? Is it suppose to be 1/2 CUP of chopped garlic scapes?

Sarah Walker Caron

Saturday 6th of July 2024

Thanks for the catch! The recipe has been updated to indicate it is 1/2 cup chopped garlic scapes. Enjoy!

Week 2 « My First CSA

Saturday 12th of June 2010

[...] with garlic scapes, sun dried tomatoes, corn, parsley, lemon and chicken stock. And here’s a Garlic Scape Risotto with garlic scapes, rice, white wine, stock, sage & Romano cheese. A simple stir-fry of garlic [...]


Wednesday 15th of July 2009

I never have tasted it.So I definitely wanna taste it. then i will mentioned any comment on this.



Wednesday 8th of July 2009

Well said. I was thinking pretty much the same thing you were.. actually I almost skipped the memorial but ended up flipping to it randomly and got stuck on how beautifully real it was done. I didn't think I would shed a tear until I saw little Paris speak, and that made the floodgates open.

I cannot even begin to imagine to lose my only parent at such a young age. It was strange I never thought of Michael more than an entertainer, but when Paris spoke, she revealed a side of him that made him more human than the media ever portrayed him.

The lesson in all of this is definitely to give others the benefit of the doubt. Michael was not found guilty, and instead of honoring the findings of the justice system, the media continued to degrade his name by calling him Jacko. Why? Why did they pick on and bully him so much? Because he was weird and strange to them?

I had been bullied in elementary because I looked different in my suburban town. I know how it feels to be singled out and targeted. It hurts. I can't imagine how it must have felt when that hurt is from the mainstream media. How can we ever expect children to stop bullying their classmates when they see adults doing the same thing on TV?

Not all reporters are corrupt, and there are a precious few that do their jobs without succumbing to the tabloid journalism that reports rumors instead of facts supported by real sources. Hopefully, those journalists will get more appreciation now.


Wednesday 8th of July 2009

Amen to your post and the comment above

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